Monday, January 21, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4 demo coming to PSN?

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UK Playstation magazine PSW recently had some play time (Issue 103) with the Konami's upcoming ps3 game Metal Gear Solid 4. A posting at the Forums reveals that the same level they demoed will be available on the PlayStation Network in February.

From PSW: "Want more MGS4? Well you'll get it very soon. The stage played here will be out on the PSN Store in the next month."

Although Ryan Payton, Assistant Producer for Metal Gear Solid 4, explained last month that a demo for the video game wasn't likely to appear, this latest playstation 3 news suggests Konami may have had a change of heart.Before we totally get our hopes up though, we have to note that they never actually said the word "demo." Not even the word "playable." There is a chance they may be talking about a video, similar to the full video walkthrough they showed at the E for All Expo.At any rate, at least we know that something is coming. We'll have to wait until next month to see what's really up with the announcement. Check back for updates.

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