Thursday, February 21, 2008

In-game XMB arrival, PSN accomplishments?

playstation network-playstation store-ps3 news

Digital photographs of what appears to be how the in-game XMB will probably work, as well as gamer accomplishments on Incognito Entertainment's Warhawk surfaced over the PlayStation Network @ Home forums yesterday. And though the anonymous tipster did say that the photos were edited, he did point out that the changes were done to conceal the reflection on the screen which undoubtedly revealed his face.

He also made sure to capture several angles and zoom levels of the shot, perhaps in an effort to boost the photographs' authenticity. The photos show that gamer accomplishments will roll into a player's message box on the Xross Media Bar. It will be completely accessible while playing a game.

The tipper, calling himself sonyguy32, explains that the white cottony artifacts you see on some pictures are actually the clouds in Warhawk, so the XMB will be partially translucent when the in-game mode is activated.

However, speculations as to when the new features will arrive were effectively shot down by long-time media vets. Though people expect the gaming giant to release it this week, media personalities explain that if Sony will make an announcement, it won't be at GDC. They say its because it's a "developer conference" and will have nothing to do about "hardware or firmware."

But because Sony can make the announcement outside of GDC - though coincidentally within the same time GDC is going on - we'll be keeping tabs on this rumor. Head on over to the via link below to view more shots taken and do so while they're still available.

[Via PSN@H Forums]

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